Countdown to Halloween: One Week To Go

The Addams Family.
The Addams Family.

There are only eight days left until Halloween. I know that some people may need some encouragement to get stay on top of Halloween-related things, so I am still going to be breaking things down, week by week. These are not orders but (very strong) suggestions, so if you don’t want to do what I’m suggesting, feel free to do otherwise.

Remember how last week I told you to make a list of everything you need for your costume? Well, the time has come, my little friend, to get off your butt and actually get the things off your list. The first place to check is your own house. You just might have some of the things you need in your closet or even laying around the house.
If you can’t find what you need at home, then you can head into the outside world. Make sure you check thrift shops and less expensive stores before you go to higher end stores or even Halloween stores, which can sometimes be fairly pricey.
You do NOT want to be looking around for stuff for your costume a few days before Halloween because all the good stuff will be gone, so get a move on already.
Feel free to also check out this week’s super cool middle spread for more costume ideas.

Day and time? Check. Guest list? Check. Activities? Check. Now is time to fine-tune everything and gather your supplies (this week really seems to be the “get all your stuff together” week).
Make a list of everything you need and then go get it. You might want to make a separate list for things you can’t buy yet (like perishable food products such as dairy or meat).
You might also want to think about a playlist for you to use for your party (for some ideas, see the “music to listen to” section of the article).

For the most part, your decorating should be done for the most part. If you have bulkier decorations, such as streamers or door hangers, you can go ahead and put those out now. Decorating really shouldn’t be left for the very last minute or you might as well not put them up at all.

Things to watch
So now that you’ve gotten Ghostbusters and Hocus Pocus under your belt, it’s time to get into the creepy and the kooky, mysterious and spooky. That’s right. I’m talking about The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values. You get two movies for one this week. These two films follow one of the strangest families in America.
In the first movies in the series, Uncle Fester has lost his memory, and it is up to Gomez, Morticia and the rest to help him get them back before the family falls apart.
In the second film, Uncle Fester gets married, Wednesday and Pugsley get sent to summer camp, and Gomez and Morticia have a baby.You have to check the altogether ooky flicks out before Halloween is over.

Music to play
I have one word for you: This week I have another catchy Halloween song for you. This time, it is “Purple People Eater” by Sheb Wooley.
While it isn’t specifically about Halloween, this song is still pretty spooky. After all, if a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater isn’t spooky, I don’t know what is.

Becki Brown
Editor in Chief