Kanye West met with President Trump today for lunch and spoke about international trade with China.
He Spoke how America specializes in music and entertainment, and how wearing his “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) hat makes him feel like superman, even though he claims to not have voted in the 2016 election.
Kim Kardashian West also met with officials and senior adviser Jared Kushner at the White House to discuss prison reform.
On the other end of the political spectrum, Taylor Swift recently uploaded an Instagram post stating, “I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country.”
She voiced her support for Democrats Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for the House of Representatives and bashed Republican Marsha Blackburn for her political views.
She also encouraged people to go out and vote in the midterm elections this coming November. This sparked a revolution in young people registering to vote.
Regardless of political view, I am very pleased with how celebrities are getting involved in politics.
It is creating real changes at a rapid rate. It encourages people to voice their political opinion and gets the millennials and Generation Z out to vote.
From earlier elections, young voters are underrepresented in the polls due to a low voter turnout and it is about time we had a say in how our country is run.
It is such a beautiful thing to be able to fill out a ballot knowing you made a difference.
However, we must not blindly follow celebrities when thinking about our own stance. Imitation is a dangerous game.
We can follow Kanye West and Taylor Swift blindly without researching the policies politicians agree on.
However by doing this, we are truly becoming more uninformed and follow blindly in the footsteps of people who may have a different opinion than we do.
One of the ways we can voice our opinion is to vote in the upcoming midterms. Before that however, I recommend read up on the candidates and their policies. Scan over the history of political changes and get informed.
Talk to your peers about politics and understand if they have a different view than you do.
Not everyone is going to have the same political view. This is completely okay! We all have a right to stand up for what we believe in.
Fight for a change. Sign petitions, go to peaceful protests, call your representatives to create a revolution of new policies shaped by the younger generation.
I have called my representative for my home county about issues such as net neutrality and prison reform for the decimalization of minor drug offenses.
However, those are only some of the issues that this country is facing. And if you want to see other changes, or even disagree, share your voice!
It’s great overall that celebrities are encouraging people to vote and making huge changes in policies.
However, we must not follow them blindly. It is such a wondrous thing that we live in a nation where we can share our voices.
Use your voice. Use your power. And make change happen in ways never fathomable before.
Emily Rubino
Opinions Editor