Quick Bits: The Internet and the Movies
The Internet is a breeding ground for people who don’t want to have any fun. Recently, I saw the film The Monuments Men. To give...
The Mt. Greenwood Chronicles II: Hamburger Lane
[caption id="attachment_4417" align="alignright" width="300"] The hamburger - the corner stone of Mt. Greenwood cuisine.[/caption] Mt. Greenwood is a place that many may not think of...
You Say You Want a Revolution
[caption id="attachment_4414" align="alignleft" width="300"] Four men from Liverpool changed music for all time.[/caption] As many of you know, the 50th anniversary of the Beatles first...
Enough with the Olympics
I write this column at the risk of sounding unpatriotic and unsportsmanlike. But, if I can be honest for a moment, the Winter Olympics are...
Searching for Safety in the Digital World
This weekend, it was reported by several news sources that Apple has experienced a major security breach within its operations. The breach operates by hackers...
9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Take Valentine’s Day So Seriously
1. It’s never going to be as innocent and carefree as it once was. I fondly remember passing out the Valentine’s that I had carefully...
The NSA and You
On February 8, Stephen Braun of the Associated Press reported in his article “NSA gets under 30% of phone data” that the US government’s data...
The Mt. Greenwood Chronicles: A Mt. Greenwood Colonel
[caption id="attachment_4330" align="alignleft" width="300"] Just add a beer to this photo and you’d have a Mt. Greenwood Colonel.[/caption] Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first...
Is Honesty Really the Best Policy?
[caption id="attachment_4259" align="alignright" width="300"] What if you had to hear everything anyone has ever said about you? Good or bad...[/caption] I have been having some...
A Moment of Self Reflection
Six years ago a strange tradition began. Before every Super Bowl the network hosting gets an exclusive one-on-one interview with the President of the United...