Get Paid While Quarantined
All nonessential businesses are closed and people should only be outside for short periods of time if they absolutely need to. It’s for the best....
Mayor Lightfoot Cracks Down on Stay-At-Home Order
Social distancing is the main prevention advised to limit the spreading of Coronavirus. However, not everyone thinks they have to practice social distancing. Chicago is...
Mental Health and the Pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are required to stay home and practice social distancing. During these trying times, I think it's important we focus on...
Illinois Quarantine: The Importance of the Stay-At-Home Order
The COVID-19 has strongly impacted our daily routines and I believe the Illinois government is making the right decision in making Illinois residents stay at...
Can We Expect a Tuition Refund
The Coronavirus has shut down all non-essential businesses and Governor Pritzker declared a stay-at-home. Being quarantined means we can't stay in the dorms, so Saint...
A Pandemic Problem: To Dine in or Out
I am someone who really enjoys eating out. In Chicago, there are thousands of options to choose from every day. Once I got an account...
President Donald Trump Gives Us Lack of Leadership
Coronavirus is the only topic currently being discussed and it should be. People are panicking and running out to stores to buy as many non-perishable...
COVID-19 Fear
If you look at the news, you will see several different articles about the COVID-19. This virus started in Wu Han, China. A few months...
Bernie Sanders is the True Progressive Candidate
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, the past four years have been like watching a train wreck in...
Amazon Creates Cashierless Supermarket
Technological advancement in our time has been growing rapidly; even as we speak, more advancements are being made. Technology is created so the way we...