Breonna Taylor Deserved Better
By now most of you have probably heard of the name Breonna Taylor. Breonna Taylor was a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and murdered...
Social Media Platforms Are Dangerous
This year Netflix released an original film called the Social Dilemma which addressed that social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are able to...
A Permanent Transition to Online Courses Shouldn’t Be A Temptation
There’s a misconception that online classes are easier than in-person classes, but coronavirus has shown that online classes aren't ideal for every student. For many...
Scammers Aren’t Taking Any Days Off During this Pandemic
Scammers never take breaks. They're always on the lookout for the next opportunity to rip off an unsuspecting victim. I’m not surprised at the number...
You’re scared? Okay, but keep your hands to yourself!
Coronavirus is scary, so it's important to take the necessary precautions when you're out in public. People should only leave the house for essentials and...
Florida Official Calls Out Mayor
I recently watched a video on Instagram where a Florida official calls out their mayor for not taking the right precautions and decisions to this...
Loss In Revenue Causes Companies and Individuals Unable to Make Payments
A recent Wall Street Journal article discussed how a company named WeWork is skipping their rental payments. WeWork is trying to renegotiate their leases with...
Food Stamps Recipients Unable to Grocery Shop Online
A few days ago, Chicago Tribune released an article about how food stamp recipients being at-risk for Coronavirus. The article discusses a single father of...
Netflix Improves Parental Controls During a Crucial Time
During this pandemic, kids are at home, kids are at home since their schooling has switched to online platforms. Even though school is still in...
Essential Workers Are Most at Risk During Pandemic
Our government has taken precautions to try and reduce the spread of the virus as much as possible. Many places have closed down like the...