The Need for an Opinion
In this society full of intolerance, free opinion has become the object of attacks by those who think differently. What has happened to us? Where...
The Lasting Impact of Losing a Parent at a Young Age
My Dad passed away my freshman year of high school when I was only 15 years old. I still remember the moment I found out...
Voting is a Privilege
According to Machiavelli, society, like government, law, justice, and morality, are human products, which man is free to modify or order according to his wishes,...
Hispanic Heritage Month Needs To Be Rebranded
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th to the 15th of October. Every year that Hispanic Heritage Month rolls around, the same question always...
Should Rihanna be cancelled?
It seems like almost everyday there is a new celebrity scandal. The celebrities of today seem to constantly live with a magnifying glass over their...
Thoughts on ‘Transgenic Foods’ Controversy
The alteration of food through genetic techniques is very widespread in the food industry. The same thing that I think of corporations, which are a...
Are diets a mistake ?
First of all, get the word "diet" out of your mind. It is an illusion, a fantasy, a mirage, a diet is simply a short-term...
Are online courses such a bad thing?
During the last few months, we have asked ourselves: “Is virtual education good or bad?”. It may be tempting for most to say "of course...
Machismo: Damaging to Men and Women in the Latinx Community
Machismo is a term that has long been used by the Latinx community to describe a strong or aggressive sense of masculinity and the belief...
Enough of Plastic, Please!
Awareness for caring about the environment has increased, yet our level of concern is not keeping up with the pace of human pollution. Every year...