I recently read in a CNN article that tech cities are rising in India and with it, the pollution is also rising. A person they interviewed in the article stated that they would have to check the air quality on their phone every morning just to see if it would be safe to go out without a mask on or to see if it was even safe to go out at all.

Although I think that it is great that these cities are growing and providing more job opportunities for people, it is dangerous not to consider what the consequences these rising businesses have on the environment.

Businesses should try to keep the environment’s best interest in mind when trying to start up a business or even expanding one.

I know that there are a lot of people that do not believe in climate change. However, we cannot ignore the fact that there is change happening like the rise in temperatures or the fact that just being outside alone could pose a threat to our health.

I think it would also benefit companies if they show their consumers that they care about taking care of our world by being conscious of how their business affects the environment. A lot of people today look into what a company values and to see if they are giving back to the world in any way.

Businesses also have to remember that trying to decrease the amount of pollution that these companies put into the world is also a way of taking care of their employees as well as the customers that buy from them. 

For example, Ford Motor Co. in 2006, had dumped thousands of tons of paint sludge into the environment for over forty years. As time went by, these toxins damaged the land and the drinking water for the people that lived around the area where Ford Motor dumped the toxins. 

Water contamination could have been prevented if Ford Motor had they had found a safer way of getting rid of these toxins rather than harming the environment.

It is the same with India the bad air pollution is causing people to get sick which means more workers will have to take sick days which will also affect the business production. According to the CNN article, fortunately, India is planning on having forty percent of its energy come from renewable resources by 2020.

Businesses that only care about maximizing their profits rather than considering the harm they may be causing to their surroundings have to realize that maintaining the world we live in is more important than money. When we are old and eventually have to move on, I feel that the best thing to leave for those who come after us is a place where they can go outside and breathe air that will not give them health issues in the long run, and a place where they do not have to worry about running out of resources. This is possible if businesses take the time to find ways to minimize pollution as much as they can when they run their companies.