As the world’s last great imperialist nation, America has a rather confusing foreign policy. We claim to be the protector of peace and provider of democracy throughout the world, but the truth is far from that.
The same countries we spend billions to aid are the same countries we are bombing. We encourage free elections on the condition that the candidate is American friendly.
There is at least one case that the US has been consistent with: Israel. Since 1948 when Israel was established, America has always provided substantial monetary and military aid to the country. However, consistent does not mean moral.
The relationship between Israel, its neighbors and its own population is one of oppression and murder. If America is to live up to its claims of being a protector of peace and justice, it needs to withdraw all support of Israel. Sometimes you have to cut ties to grow.
America had just come out of the Great Depression, ended World War II and established the United Nations just a few years prior to Israel’s creation, and we saw that supporting an Israeli nation as a way to flex our new muscles.
Of course, there was a humanitarian side, but in the grand scheme of things, America only does what is favorable to itself.
We supported Iraq, when it attacked Iran in the 90’s only to invade Iraq twice (we all know how well that turned out).
We helped the Philippine revolution in 1900’s, but then denied them full sovereignty until 1946. We supported the recent free elections in Egypt after President Mubarak resigned, but complained about having the new President being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The hypocrisy is endless. America just likes to wave its big stick at anything that moves, and Israel has adopted the same tactic.
Israel is sandwiched between hostile nations on every side and being the younger nation, they feel the need to prove their sovereignty through bombing and assassination. Much like how America started with the genocide of the Indian tribes and fighting the War of 1812. With an estimate $100 billion in aid since 1948 (over half of which is military supplies,) Israel has become a country dedicated to killing. Due to its small size, every male and female is drafted upon turning 18 to serve 3 years and 21 months respectively. Once active duty is served, everyone remains in military reserve and could be called to duty within 72 hours.
This means the entire population is indoctrinated with militarist ideals, making the prospect of regional peace as likely as men enjoying the Twilight saga.
The causality figures from every Israeli conflict (since 1920-present) confirm this with an estimated 160,000 killed and wounded between Israeli aggressors and 60,000 for Israeli forces.
Instead of spending $3 billion annually on perpetuating the violence, we should paying tribute to the people who we robbed and killed to build our country.
The conditions of Indian Reservations are worse than appalling, yet the rest of America does not take notice. We have a national average of 7-8% unemployment, while the Reservations suffer a chronic 50-70% unemployment rate.
The current annual contribution to both Israel and the Reservations are nearly the same, but it is clear who really needs the funds.
In addition to the poverty crisis, 1/10 persons living on a reservation will be victims of a violent crime (robbery, assault, rape). Our forefathers decimated their cultures and dishonored nearly every treaty, and we continue to allow such injustices to plague them because of irresponsible prioritization and the influence of lobbyist money.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has an annual budget of over $60 million to persuade Congress, while the lobbying power of the Reservations is split between all the various tribes and communities. The real problems are here at home, not in the opposite hemisphere.
America must stop sending $3 billion worth of taxpayer money to Israel because it is unnecessary and immoral. Of course, this will not happen over night because America cannot decide whom to give Band-Aids or bombs, but who cares as long as we remain the biggest kid on the block.
In the mean time, Israel will continue to stifle peace in the Middle East with their gung-ho military. If America honestly cares about freedom, justice and all that jazz, it should start supporting the nations we are indebted to.