Over break, Morgan Stuut broke the record for all-time scoring for Saint Xavier University’s women’s basketball team.
The Xavierite wanted to know about what made this athlete tick.

When did you start playing basketball?
3rd grade.
What have you enjoyed most about playing basketball for Saint Xavier over the past 4 years?
Making friends, my best friends are on the basketball team. And going to Hawaii twice, Freshman and Senior year.
Basketball Idol?
My sisters, because they inspired me to play. I was the water girl for their team.
Favorite basketball memory?
Buzzer beater last year against UIC, or this year against St. Francis of Indiana.
Any pregame rituals?
I have to get to the gym at least an hour and a half early to use the cold tub and hot tub. I also wear the same socks to each game.
Favorite thing about SXU women’s basketball?
I love how close we all are. We all get along. We all have one dream and want the same thing.
What made you decide to come to SXU from Three Rivers?
Coach Hallberg and his genuine personality.
What does it mean to be a student athlete?
A lot. Not everyone can have the opportunity. Sometimes you take it for granted. You get to do what you love and get an education.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Hopefully I have gone to grad school and have become a nurse practitioner in the Midwest.
Who is the funniest on your team?
Margaret Wildner. She’s so outspoken, sarcastic, blunt and will say anything on her mind. And she falls a lot.
What sport would you be playing if you weren’t playing basketball?
Cross Country
If you had to switch lives for a day with one of your teammates who would it be?
Maloree Johnson. Everyone loves her and she only has one class this semester.
Favorite inspirational quote or saying?
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
How do you feel about your season so far?
Fantastic. How could a team pick out 1 or 2 people to stop? Every player off the bench has potential to score in double figures.
What is one of the goals your team has set for this year?
Win a national championship!
Why do you smile every time you have the basketball?
My basketball coach in eighth grade hated when we smiled so I would purposely smile to get under her skin. It just kind of stuck.
What is something that people do not know about you?
I love to read. I’d rather read than watch TV. I could read all day.
Who is your role model?
My mom, because she is so supportive and strong. I can go to her for anything. I hope to be just like her one day.
Favorite Movie?
Enchanted. I’m a sucker for Patrick Dempsey.
Favorite food?
Asian Zing boneless wings dipped in blue cheese from Buffalo Wild Wings. It has to be that way. I could eat it everyday.
Kelly Kramer
Sports Editor