A Word to the Wise on the Weather

Almost all drivers in Chicago know the feeling: conditions are wet, icy, slick and snowy.
Everyone is driving on edge and potholes seem to come out of nowhere.

We all seem to recognize the other feeling of frustration as some people drive unquestionably fast or others who driver over-cautiously and gum up the works.

During this first week back, students at St. Xavier University have been lucky enough to not have major snow fall to gum up the works of the all-important first week of the semester.

However, this week’s forecast shows that there is a strong possibility we will see snow.

With that in mind, we at The Xavierite would like to elicit this vital piece of information to all of those students who drive: please be careful.

Over break perhaps some students witnessed the wicked conditions and the accidents that sprang from them (or were a part of those accidents) or the habits of reckless drivers who do not know how the behave adequately in harsh weather conditions (or perhaps are a member of this second category). Snow makes the roads bad enough; don’t make it worse by driving like a maniac or by not adjusting your driving technique when the weather becomes harsh.

Please keep these personal horror stories in mind as you go out into the road.

There is nothing worse than crazy drivers out in the road.

Though the elements may be bad there is nothing more dangerous than people who don’t keep these rough elements in mind.

Icy roads are enough to scare most people off of the roads.

That’s good. Most people shouldn’t be on the road and that’s not because they’re bad drivers.

Most people just have the sense to know that driving in poor weather conditions brings out the worst in drivers.

Now, some people will always have to drive in poor weather conditions.

Society cannot stop because of some precipitation.

If you are one of those people that must go outside because society rests on your occupation’s mighty shoulders.

Here are some pieces of advice if you have to go out in terrible weather in the future: remember to keep a bag of kitty litter in your car when the snow starts falling.

It sounds ridiculous, but if you get stuck in a snow drift it will help give your tires traction so that you may get out of said snow drift.
Keep your car full of some survival gear incase you find yourself stranded.

A blanket, a flashlight, jumper cables, a first-aid kit are some of the things that every person should have handy inside their automobile if they are anticipating going out into terrible weather.

Also, make sure that your cell phone is fully charged so that you may contact help if you find yourself in a sticky situation on the icy road.

Do not brave the roads unless you have to and if you do, be sure to be careful and be prepared to get yourself out of any predicaments that might come your way.

The thing you want to be in the middle of a snowstorm is unprepared. So be mindful and (most importantly) be safe.

Keep an eye on the road and look out for your fellow driver.

The Xavierite Staff