Saying that Red Bull did not give you wings is like saying: you went to McDonalds and you were not loving it., going to Burger King and you did not get it your way, or going to Papa Johns and shouting at the cashier that your pizza was not made with the best ingredients nor was it the best pizza.
Come on people! We should not take slogans literally, because if we all lived by Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” who knows what trouble we would get ourselves into.
In all seriousness, this “Red Bull gives you wings” slogan has called for national attention because no one has received their wings. Maybe when pigs fly.
Evidently, you do not see any one fly out their windows or cars.
If we did, the last thing on our mind would be, “Ohh! Red Bull finally came through.”
According to the Red Bull home page. Red Bull has been around for more than 26 years and avilable in more than 166 coutries.
Late September it was released that the notorious Red Bull had been pinned down for its famous slogan “Red Bull gives you wings.”
The lawsuit was issued by plaintiff Benjamin Careathers.
Careathers claimed he has been a consumer of Red Bull energy drinks since 2002.
The lawsuit against Red Bull was filed in 2013 in the U.S. District Court – Southern District of New York.
The news reached headlines and has been a trending topic over social media and news outlets.
According to an article in the Washington Times titled “Red Bull settles class-action lawsuit over false advertising” by Cheryl K. Chumle, the suit argued, “Such deceptive conduct and practices mean that (Red Bull’s) advertising and marketing is not just ‘puffery’, but is instead deceptive, fraudulent, and is therefore actionable,”
Red Bull later released a statement reported by BuzzFeed in the article “If you bought a Red Bull in the last 12 years they owe you money – here’s the easy way to get it” by Rachel Zarrell: “Red Bull settled the lawsuit to avoid the cost and distraction of litigation. However, Red Bull maintains that its marketing and labeling have always been truthful and accurate, and denies any and all wrongdoing or liability.”
Red Bull agreed to pay 13 million – to consumers in either $10 cash payment or $15 in Red Bull products.
According to the USA Today article “Don’t ‘wing’ it: how to get your $10 Red Bull refund” by Kayla Colin, there will be a hearing May 1, 2015 to determine if the settlement will be approved by the court.
If the settlement is approved, the money and products will be distributed within 150 days.
Red Bull vihicals have been spotted in nomourious locations, but are they linked to this contravesy?
For those of you who are not familiar with the energy drink, Red Bull; it contains: caffeine, taurine, B- group vitamins, sucrose, glucose, and alpine spring water.
Comparing and analyzing the slogan of Red Bull, it could be implied that their slogan was probably referring to a metaphoric description of what Red Bull makes you feel like.
In that case, would it be false advertisement or a phrase taken literally?
One thing is for sure, this will probably go down pop culture history.
Red Bull will march on, but it will never fly again. Their wings have been clipped by the very literal public.
Jorge Pliego
Features Editor