A Need for an Attentive President

Saint Xavier University                                                                   Keith Elder, Ph.D., MPH, MPA

Saint Xavier University sent out an email on Jan. 25, 2024 announcing a new presidency beginning on March 1, 2024. Dr. Keith Elder, Ph.D., MPH, MPA, was chosen to serve as SXU’s 21st president. 

With a new presidency beginning, the Xavierite Editorial Board discussed what our new president might offer to Saint Xavier, what could be worked on based on past presidencies, and any concerns regarding school improvement. 

The Editorial Board voiced concerns regarding the new president’s priorities, how he will foster unity, improve our school, and connect with students. Saint Xavier has had many presidents in the past, each having a significant impact on the university. 

Forming a connection with students is important to the success of our community. One editorial member said, “Dr. Elder needs to make his presence known to everyone, so that people can see him as someone who wants to help create change, rather than a stranger.”

Laurie M. Joyner, Ph.D., was Saint Xavier’s last full-time president. A vast majority of students were unaware of her existence. It is anticipated that Elder not only becomes a name, but a face that students can recognize and feel comfortable approaching. 

In previous years, editorial members have said the school they walked into was full of lost souls, from administration down to students. It is key that Saint Xavier does not fall back into this environment. 

There is data provided from the annual student satisfaction survey that can be used to prioritize fixing concerns. This data can be used as a valuable tool, considering students have shared any issues they face through it. 

Editorial Board members all agreed that Rebecca Sherrick, Ph.D., Interim President has brought Saint Xavier back on the right track in her short time as president. The Editorial Board yearns for Elder to see the progress that was made and continue on this path. 

Many of the issues prior to Sherrick’s time here could have been avoided if someone was willing to listen to concerns. The editorial board spoke of not wanting history to repeat itself and the desire for our new president to actually listen, not only be here to cash a check, and is proud to be a part of Saint Xavier’s community. 

It would be beneficial for Elder to have consistent meetings with students, staff, and faculty groups. Having a connection with the community goes a long way. By attending events and interacting with students, it will show our president cares about experiencing campus life first-hand rather than from reports. 

Every department has a voice waiting to be heard by Elder to address any issues they may have during his presidency. 

On Elder’s first day of presidency, he held a meet and greet where students, staff, and faculty were all welcome to introduce themselves to create connections with one another. One editorial member stated, “It is clear Dr. Elder intends to connect with the community.”

Other concerns regarding the new presidency were improvements wished upon campus funding and resources. “Every department deserves to have the resources they need to flourish as long as they are offered at Saint Xavier,” voices an editorial member. 

Each major department should have access to qualified full-time professors in order to better benefit students. The Fine Arts department should have enough funding and resources to serve the community as they plan, and campus spaces should be shared as generously as possible to Resident Student Organizations. 

Being president, Elder has the responsibility and authority to make changes to better improve many issues Saint Xavier may face in the years to come. Saint Xavier is not only an institution, but a community waiting to be heard.