Welcome Back from SGA!

On behalf of the Student Government Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the students, faculty, and staff. I hope that everyone had restful and enjoyable winter break, and that we all are prepared to face the semester ahead. I know that I am very eager and excited for SGA as we begin this academic year.

First, I would like to introduce the new group, Saint Xavier Counsel. SXC is a new student organization that is a combination of the Student Government Association and the Student Activities Board. More information will be given at the Student Leadership Application Info Sessions scheduled throughout the next month and a half.

There is a variety of topics on our agenda this semester, but none are as important as your suggestions and concerns. We will do our very best to voice your concerns to the administration and make improvements around campus that will benefit the student body.

We want to thank you all for your support of going to Starbucks on Saturdays during the fall semester. Starbucks is now open every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thank you for all of those that contacted their Senators asking them to support a bill that will help lower the costs of textbooks in the state of Illinois. DePaul University, Saint Xavier University, and many more colleges in Illinois are working diligently to find support for such a bill.
We are working close with IT to ensure that all wireless issues are reported as soon as possible because we know how vital internet access is to your learning.

As we all prepare for the upcoming semester, know that no matter how busy or hectic the year becomes, your Student Government Association will be here to hear your voice and to communicate your ideas to the administration. Also find us on Facebook at Student Government Association at SXU and on Twitter @SXUSGA. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by the Student Organization Center, L109B, Campus Life, or email myself at Mihalik.k01@mymail.sxu.edu.

Best wishes on this upcoming Semester!

All my best,

Kelly A. Mihalik
President of the Student Government Association