Ingalls Marketing Manager Visits Saint Xavier

Lecture hall
Lecture hall

Julie Carlson, marketing communications manager at Ingalls Health System visited Saint Xavier on April 14 to speak with communication majors on her role at Ingalls Health System.

Julie Carlson, a Saint Xavier University alumnus, talked to students in attendance with a warm and exuberant tone regarding her work in the health marketing industry. The topics covered during her hour and thirty minute lecture with students included crisis management, health marketing and community outreach.

Carlson began her career after graduating from Saint Xavier in 1992 and starting a job as a communications specialist at Silver Cross Hospital. By 1996 she joined Ingalls Health System as a member of their marketing communications team.

During her lecture Carlson reflected on her first role at Ingalls, which was the writing and development of a bi-weekly newsletter.

Today, Carlson takes on a role that includes numerous facets of external and internal communication with the stakeholders of Ingalls Health System. The stakeholders for Ingalls are numerous and include the patients, physicians and local media outlets.

Many students who came to listen to Carlson were interested in how her experience in the marketing field could help them inside and outside of Saint Xavier University. The student audience provided many questions to Carlson ranging from how Ingalls handles crisis situations all the way to how the company utilizes social media in marketing.

Junior communication major Maria Aranda, who attended the guest speaker event, believes there was much to take away from hearing Carlson talk about her profession. “I felt as though hearing about her insights in the field helped me understand what goes into marketing in the health industry,” said Maria when asked what she took away from the lecture.

One of the questions presented by the students attending asked about Carlson’s work on Ingalls Health System’s sports medicine and concussion programs. These programs were described by Carlson as a type of concierge service for those who have been affected by sports injuries. Parents

Lecture Hall

was searching for the school Saint Xavier University came up.

It was with that chance discovery that Tempel decided to apply.

Tempel decided to participate in the pageant because she felt it would be a good way to meet new people and make new friends.

Before the pageant she explained that she was not that ambitious when it came to getting very involved on campus, but now, “I’ve met all of these different people and I see them around campus. It’s nice because they know me and I know them.”

It turns out that her decision to enter the pageant was also by accident. A couple of her friends wanted to go to the meeting and she decided to tag along.

“I actually decided to turn my application is twenty minutes before the deadline,” said Tempel.

Sode explained that his reason for attending SXU came from a visit he made to the campus.

“I really liked the community atmosphere in it. When I came here everyone was so friendly, loving, and welcoming. That’s why I chose Saint Xavier,” he said.

Although Sode participated in the pageant last year as a first-year, he said that he had not planned on participating this year.

He also applied at the last minute, stating that people kept asking him if he was going to participate this year before he decided to enter.

His decision to participate came from

“If you’re thinking about participating you should definitely do it.” -Felicia Tempel

can call the Ingalls Sports Medicine and Concussion hotline to find out the next steps in helping their son’s or daughter’s ailment.

The program has evolved over the time it has been introduced, but still is one of the key features Ingalls offers to its patients that separates the institution from other nearby medical centers.

The entire lecture by Carlson served a purpose in telling Saint Xavier’s students that there are employment opportunities out there for communication students, as well as telling students more information about marketing communication in the health industry.

Jake Alleruzzo 

News Correspondent