How Amazing Is It To Share Your Voice?

Saint Xavier University Bulletin Board                             The Xavierite

On November 1st, the Student Organization Center redecorated its bulletin board for the students to answer a big question to ask the students. If you could change one thing at SXU, what would it be?

The student body voices are the most essential part of Saint Xavier University’s (SXU) growth. Throughout campus, students have the opportunity to express their thoughts on events throughout the year by using bulletin boards in the hallway. 

After being set up, the board was immediately covered in post-it-notes with suggestions on what they would change about our campus. One of the biggest proposals for SXU was to lower the prices on student essentials. A significant amount spoke on  food, tuition and textbook prices.  

Ramiro Perez, student, shared his thoughts on the prices at SXU. “The prices of tuition and food are ridiculous. I hope that SXU can improve upon helping the students when it comes to paying for food and tuition,” he Perez explained. 

Valerie DuPont, student, responded with, “It is a lot for students that are residents because the cost of food is so high to the point where they can’t eat three meals a day.”

Another  suggestion left by students was remodeling classrooms and dorms. One post-it-note left by a student explained how remodeling could improve the learning capability of students if their environment was remodeled. 

Julissa Najera, student,  explained, “ The way that the diner and the classrooms are set up with white walls and desks remind many of us of a highschool. It makes the students feel like it shouldn’t be taken seriously.”

The university should now have some ideas on how to better improve our environment by knowing what exactly it is that students need/want from SXU. 

However, the bulletin boards around the campus are a great way for students to speak their voices, there are also town halls held on school grounds. SXU holds a town hall meeting approximately every two weeks, where students can come to ask questions and express their opinions about what needs to change on campus. 

The town hall meeting has multiple faculty members and the president of SXU to listen and communicate openly with the students. Students attend to discuss topics about majors, tuition, improving departments and more. 

Matthew Costello, PhD, stated, “I like hearing students speak up about problems on campus at the town hall meetings. It shows that they have pride in SXU for taking ownership of their college experience.”

Throughout the Saint Xavier University campus, students are given opportunities to share what they think SXU can improve  In order for our campus to grow, faculty need to start asking students what it is they need. 

Najera explained, “It is overall a school for students, so the only way for the school to improve is by taking into consideration what the students have to say”.

When students explain what should be improved at SXU, there are many departments involved such as Student Life, Financial Aid and many more.

Costello continued saying, “I hope that adminstions and other departments take into consideration what the students have to say to improve the school.” 

There are many excellent ways for students to get involved to share their voices on campus. We can all agree that SXU has to do a lot of improving for the students and faculty. In that case, these events push students to take a stand on what they need/want out of college.

Each of us has a voice, and that voice holds significance. It is up to us to promote change towards our school. How we feel needs to be shared, and they need to listen, whether it’s on a bulletin board or spoken into a microphone at a town hall meeting.