Meaningless Shuttle Bus Schedules

Picture of Saint Xavier Shuttle Bus Stop, Xavierite Staff


The Visual Arts Center is constantly having trouble with students coming to class on time. No matter what time of day, students arrive late to class in groups because of the SXU shuttle buses.

On campus, there is one bus stop located in front of the Warde Academic Center (WAC) for students to be picked up to be taken to the Visual Arts Center (VAC).

Saint Xavier University offers transportation for students who have an art class each semester. The majority of the art classes offered by SXU are held at the VAC. 

When asked about how many bus stops there are for students, Ramiro Perez, SXU student, stated, “There needs to be more bus stops to take students to the Visual Arts Center.”

Throughout the WAC and the residence halls, there are stacks of papers explaining when the shuttle buses are expected to arrive at the bus stop. However, the information is inaccurate and out of date. 

When the bus doesn’t come on time, some students decide to call public safety for the shuttle buses to come. However, the students who don’t know how to call public safety are forced to wait. This gives students a hard time since there isn’t a number around the bus stop to call if they don’t know the phone number. To contact public safety’s dispatch for a ride, the number is 773-298-4400. 

Another student, Ellen Place, expressed, “To be consistent with the shuttle bus time, you need to call for them to pick you up to take you to the Visual Arts Center.”

Saint Xavier University needs to take a stand to ensure timely travel to the VAC. If the university is going to be offering buses to transport students from the campus to the VAC then they are responsible for students being on time.

One art major, Valerie Dupont, shared “A lot of students complain that they are scared because they don’t know how to get to the VAC and where the bus stop is as well as when to go which is making them not want to take art courses,” explains Dunport. Many students are deciding not to take courses that are held at the VAC since they don’t understand how the transportation works. 

Perez also shared about the schedules of the shuttle bus. “I didn’t know that there was a schedule for the shuttle bus. It is crazy how the schedules aren’t as visible as they seem.” Students that have a class at the VAC, don’t know about the schedule online and through the hallways on campus.

Other students can find the schedules if they are looking for them throughout the campus. They can be located at the entrance to the VAC and the diner at the WAC.

To keep students informed on the shuttle bus schedule, when registering for a course at the VAC, there should be an email sent out with transportation information.

When asked about what SXU can do better. Vanessa Orlando stated, “An easier way for the shuttle bus schedule to improve is to have an online schedule where students put in a time slot where they need to be picked up at the bus stop.”

Dupont also shared how hard it is for students to have back-to-back classes in Warde and the VAC. “It was so hard for students who only have ten minutes between classes when the schedule for the buses is not accurate.”

Maybe if our school was more concerned about making the students arrive to class on time, they would understand how difficult it is for us when the buses don’t arrive on time. Hopefully one day the students won’t have to have stress when trying to go to their classes. 

You can find the the shuttle bus schedule, the location of the bus stop, and the location of the VAC at, Getting to Campus (