Students Loss of Interest and Knowledge of Campus Events

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Although students seem to think that the spring semester doesn’t offer as many events as the fall, the blame might not completely lie on others’ shoulders. 

“Students getting engaged and involved has always been a struggle,” says Kennedy Adams, Graduate Assistant of Campus Life. 

She continues, “In the fall, students are typically excited to get back to school and see their friends, roommates, teammates, etc. If they are first years they’re excited to experience college. In the spring, everyone is about ready for summer to hit.”

Due to the weather being warmer in the transition from summer to fall, Campus life plans more outside events, as well as large annual events like Welcome Week, and Homecoming. 

In the spring Campus life tries to plan outdoor events like Taste of SXU but depends if weather permits. The weather is hard to predict for outside events in the spring semester due to it starting in Jan. 

Adams believes students are more reclusive due to spending multiple years in isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Staying inside and not going to events was considered normal at the time, and it seems many students have remained in this mindset. 

“It is hard to get students to stay or come out to the resident halls if they stay on campus,” explains Adams.

During the spring semester, tons of events are planned for students to enjoy and connect with the SXU community. Being that the fall semester is considered the end of the calendar year, many students are focused on their school work or don’t know any events are occurring.

Due to warmer weather in the fall semester, there are more outside events planned. In the fall semester, there are more events revolving around Saint Xavier University’s community involvement. With these events being planned, Campus Life wishes to see more students attending them.

Some events planned in the fall were: a block party, ice cream truck on the go, movie nights, glow foam party, a carnival, etc. In the Fall semester the events being planned are more so for Resident Student Organizations (RSOs), study sessions, and informative events on society today.

Campus life has said to try to plan and host events that students are interested in attending. Since Adams works directly with students, she encourages them to have conversations with their friends, residents, and teammates to get some intel on what students want to see. 

“I’ve used data we acquired from last year, as well as what didn’t work last year to make different changes this year,” states Adams. Campus life has spoken on how they will boost student interest and involvement regarding campus events. 

To boost student interest and involvement, Adams attends professional development conferences where she learns different methodologies on how to do so. Additionally, her research includes having conversations and offering surveys to students about what exactly they want to see regarding events on campus. 

RSOs have become less active on their social media platforms in the Fall semester as well. Not as many events have been posted that will expand student engagement on campus. 

“Everyone’s opinions and ideas are valued but we take them with a grain of salt. We try our best to make those accommodations but you can’t make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. We do welcome all feedback when we receive it because we want to host events that students want to participate in and attend,” states Adams. 

Students typically find out about events by passing by and witnessing them happening. The SXU Den posts each event occurring and provides students with descriptions of the event, the time and place it occurs, and a chance to RSVP to the event. 

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) normally create flyers and posters spread throughout campus on bulletin boards or walls. 

After attending events, Campus Life sends out “post event feedback” surveys that will automatically be emailed to them if they scanned into the event with their den passes. 

Campus Life welcomes students to visit them in the Student Organization Center (SOC) room L109 and/or stop by Adams office. 

For further information and questions regarding Campus Life and events contact,, DM sxu_sab on instagram, or email Adams directly at