SXU President Shares Intentions for University and Student Success

Keith Elder Ph.D., MPH, MPA                                                        Saint Xavier University

Saint Xavier University’s 22nd president Keith Elder Ph.D., MPH, MPA, began his time at the university on March 1, 2024. On March 19, he shared his intentions for bettering the student experience and the community at SXU. 

Elder noted that his top priorities are keeping students equipped for their futures and preparing them for jobs and staff being adequately trained and developed.

Students’ interest has dropped significantly in recent years, and graduation and employee rates are important to Saint Xavier’s success. “We have to make sure the students are happy with the product and environment in which they are studying,” voiced Elder. 

Remembering what the top priority is the key to Saint Xavier’s success according to Elder. 

Without student success and satisfaction, attendance, grades, and redrestration numbers drop. Elder stated the importance of getting early experience in the field to better prepare students for future careers and the enjoyment of what they do. 

Students are asked to work with the school’s staff and faculty to get things integrated. “We are only in business because of our students. If we are not meeting the needs of you all and making sure your experience here is good, we won’t survive and thrive,” stated Elder. 

Students getting involved in internships early on in college provides hands-on experience in their careers. Support and resources for this creates a better academic product. 

Elder also noted that he wished to plan regular meetings with student groups, leaders and everyday students then prioritizing matters from there. As a father of college-aged children, Elder has a first hand experience of what it is like for students in college today.  

“Their experiences are different from here, we need to know what our students need, what we are providing and what needs to be modified and improved. I hope students say they meet with me too often so I know I’m doing my job,” shared Elder.

Elder wished to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment as Saint Xavier is an older campus, certain buildings and facilities are in need of updates and renovations.

The first step in the master plan is to  see which buildings and facilities are needed to be addressed first. In order to do so, planning, prioritizing, listening, and funding are needed.

“When you drive by Saint Xavier, it’s important for families and students to like how it looks.  We want the place to resemble who we are,” explained Elder.

Elder also wanted to add a Student Union and refresh some areas in Warde Academic Center. A Student Union provides a location where students are able to hangout, play games, study, and socialize that is devoted to nonacademic matters. 

Students spend significant time in the WAC, by creating a Student Union, students will have a space to enjoy themselves that isn’t academic based. 

Many Saint Xavier students are commuters, causing many to attend class and leave as soon as they are finished. According to Elder, the creation of a Student Union could positively impact student satisfaction and attendance by having an enjoyable space to be in.

“Students would go there to hangout and not worry about classes. We want students to feel as if they are a part of a community and create a more vibrant campus and community. If they feel this way they will get to know people and form connections,” added Elder. 

Elder has a history of 20 previous years working in an educational setting, each being a different role. He worked as a professor, provost program director, president, dean, etc, at different schools. “I have spent a lot of time in the classroom as well as administration which provides me with a good foundation to begin at and better Saint Xavier,” stated Elder. 

For any questions or concerns contact to reach Elder.