Spring Weather Brings Artistic and Outdoor Events

On Monday, March 21, the Spring season officially began in Chicago. With that being said, as time passes temperatures will be getting warmer. This enables  Saint Xavier to bring back outdoor events, as the cold temperatures go away.

To begin, on March 21 an event called “Chalk Out With Champ” occurred. This event occurred at the Smith Morris Quad, from 2 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. As found on the Den, the purpose of the event was to allow students to have fun outside, drawing art on the quad’s sidewalk.

As well, to celebrate the spring season, at the event a mural of Champ was drawn. Other drawings created featured a variety of  flowers, hearts, and paws. Students were encouraged to draw whatever they liked, and some even wrote positive quotes towards the school. 

“Go Cougs,” said one of the quotes written in chalk at the event. “Whenever we have outdoor events, they’re usually successful because we are able to draw in students from all walks of life, whether they’re commuters or resident students,” sophomore Lui Gallardo stated.

Another event that occured was the “Paint and Plant” event, which was hosted by the Green Movement. This occurred on Thursday, March 23 at the SXU Diner’s Atrium Courtyard. 

Also as found on the Den, students were asked to choose a pot to put a plant of their choice into. A covered table which contained paint and brushes was supplied. Students then were to paint their pot however they desired.

A variety of plants were provided. This included lettuce, peas, squash, beets, sweet corn, cucumbers, and turnips. It was up to the attendees which plants they were to grow in the pot that they colored/designed. 

Photos of some of the plants can be found below.

Source: Athena Reum

As well, the Green Movement provided a question and answer session to its members on the type of plants that were available to use. One of the questions was, “which of the available plants is the fastest to grow,” in which the answer was radishes.

The Green Movement featured an informational poster board, which contained information about how to grow certain plants. Some of the plants featured on the board were exclusive to Illinois, including the New England asters, butterfly milkweed, and the purple coneflower. 

This event particularly took place to spread awareness of both nature conservation Earth Day. This year, Earth Day takes place on Saturday, April 22. 

Another outdoor event that occured recently was the “Shopping Trip to Oak Brook Mall” event. This occured on Friday March 24th and allowed attendees to go to Oak Brook Mall for any last minute shopping before Spring Formal. 

“Some students may not even have known at the time what to wear to Spring Formal, even though it is coming up soon,” first year student Christopher Marino stated. “If that is the case, then this event was helpful to them.”

Outdoor events at SXU will now be taking place on and off of campus. As the Den says, “You don’t want to miss this opportunity to have some fun before FINALS!” All events are able to be found on the Den, and must be RSVP’d for.