Student Success Academy is Here to Help

The Student Success Academy is a relatively new program offered at Saint Xavier University due to the Title V grant. It helps first-years adjust to the academic demand of college. This program is meant to create the academic support that students need. 

Nancy Ortiz-Romero, the director of student support and a Student Success Academy instructor, states, “there have been many minorities, first-generation, and low-income students entering SXU, and this program offers them a level playing field to thrive academically.” 

Ortiz-Romero continues, “this program was here prior to this past semester that the summer bridge program which was offered in July to help students transition from high school into college. Due to COVID-19, the program got moved to the school year, so it can be more interactive and effective for students.” 

“The Student Success Academy is based out of a class labeled the ACSU 130 course, and students who are coming through the SSA program are required to take this course in the fall semester. The course is incorporated into the semester for the first twelve weeks along with their other classes.” Ortiz-Romero said. 

Ortiz-Romero realized, “By incorporating this course into the semester for the first twelve weeks and after receiving feedback from SSA students and peer mentors, the students were able to learn and implement strategies learned while taking other courses and that has been proven to be more effective than just having the summer bridge program where all the information may be forgotten by the fall semester.”

Ortiz-Romero continues, “The ACSU 130 course teaches a variety of workshops that are constructed for the students to give them that foundation needed in order for them to be more successful during their first year of college.” 

Ortiz-Romero concludes, “The research collected has shown that the program was successful in retaining students and the majority of the students part of the program all concluded the semester with A’s and B’s. It was evident to the more support provided, the more success there will be. We are excited to expand this program and create more events and other activities to get more student interaction through their time at SXU.” 

For more information on the Student Success Academy, visit the SXU website under the course catalog. Click on career services, and it will direct you to the Student Success Academy tab.