Choosing Kindness at the Work Place

My friend recently obtained a job and she has been training for the past two weeks. At this job and like almost every other job, she has to work with a group of people. She is very excited about this new opportunity and about learning new things. 

One day, my friend made a mistake and one of her coworkers decided to correct her. Unprofessionally, the coworker sent mean messages in the team’s group chat. Directing her and how to address the issues, but the problem was the way the coworker was communicating with my friend.

First of all, there’s nothing wrong with trying to help others , especially new coworkers, but it’s wrong to address people’s mistakes in an open group chat. Doing it openly and with an attitude can make the new hire unmotivated and probably hurt his/her feelings. It’s important to be mindful of how a message can sound through a screen. 

Secondly, it’s important to always remember where we come from. When we start a new job, there’s a little bit of intimidation and a feeling of not knowing how the culture is at the company. 

This entire situation created tension between all the workers and at the end , the coworker who tried to help ended up looking unprofessional. According to my friend, she didn’t respond to her in a mean way but instead allowed her coworker to direct her to fix her mistake. 

We all start somewhere and we all want to grow professionally  and personally. That’s why it is important to always remain humble and remember the feeling of being the new person. 

Life is a circle and what goes around comes back. That’s why I believe we should always choose kindness and respect towards others. Most people do not see a problem with correcting others openly , but I think we should be mindful of how we are communicating messages everyday. Not just in our professional settings , but everyday encounters.