What Will The World Be Like After COVID-19?

We must think about the global nature and the grand scope that this pandemic is having, and therefore it cannot be said that ‘we will never learn’ or that everything ‘will remain the same but without viruses.’

These statements demonstrate the ignorance or passivity of the great mass and reinforce the advantage of the economic forces that run the world. We have to think about how our society is going to change.

“First, while the planet will leave itself quite rejuvenated, the environment saved many tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), not counting the pollution in seas, rivers, mountains, and everything else that human beings reach and go with. I hope that a retrospective estimate is made with the benefits to the planet from our inactivity, and which helps to change the mindset.

On the other hand, socially, perhaps we remain the same. We are more aware that it is vital to maintain distances, hygiene measures, and that we are much more vulnerable than we promise ourselves. Hopefully, states will invest more in protection and prevention systems for the subsequent pandemics, in R&D, in health, and in so many areas that have proven to be much more important than the vanities to which we usually dedicate ourselves.

Finally and the one that controls the destiny of the planet, the economy, in which some individuals have not realized yet,  immersed themselves in a war that we can resemble a 3rd world war, but economic. All nations strive to be the least attacked by COVID-19, boasting few casualties and ignoring the warnings and the example of the countries around them that have already gone through it, leading their respective countries to subsequent health crises and thousands of deaths. The leaders of all these countries should be sanctioned or dismissed from their positions since they have risen to the occasion and have not been able to defend the population adequately.

Since the economy is in charge, and the casualties due to the pandemic do not seem to matter, the U.S. may consider ceasing the world leader and with it the US dollar, given that while China opens its doors to the world commercially, the USA will be doomed in a health disaster of unimaginable proportions, lowering the price of companies leaving them within reach of any foreign investor, which will cause the yuan to become a  haven currency, giving China the necessary push to do so with the part of the world he needed to become the world’s first leader. Its capacity for work and sacrifice, its presence in all corners of the world, its cheap labor, its ability to react, adapt to adversity and a great industry capable of replicating anything, and its great ambition will make it the undisputed leader. Or do we not already buy everything from China, trust Chinese technology brands or import thousands of containers from China per day? 

They have it practically done, which makes one think that this virus may seem too casual to emerge spontaneously out of nowhere. There are many conspiracy theories, but I believe you have to be too naive to think that a ‘perfect’ virus like this, that causes extermination among the elderly population. The elderly population better represents an economic burden for the system, that hardly affects children, that spreads with enormous ease and that has an unusual resistance is the result of chance or nature.