Amazon Creates Cashierless Supermarket

Technological advancement in our time has been growing rapidly; even as we speak, more advancements are being made.

Technology is created so the way we live is more convenient for us, but there are also negative effects that come with the rise of technology.

A Wall Street Journal article that I recently read talks about how Amazon had just opened its first cashierless supermarket.

In this supermarket, Amazon sells customers grocery goods. It is designed so customers can just walk out after getting the products they want to buy.

To enter the store, customers scan an app at the gated entrance, then there are cameras all over the store to keep watch on the products.

There are also image-recognition software and weight sensors in the supermarket that help keep track of which products are being taken off the shelves. The customers are automatically charged once they walk out of the store.

There are still store staff, but now they only have to focus on restocking shelves and helping customers. Amazon is planning on selling this system of being a cashierless store to other retailers. The Wall Street Journal article states that Amazon is targeting retail options like convenience stores and shops in airports and sports arenas.

Although I am fascinated and excited about this idea of cashierless stores, I think implementing this will cause a huge decline in jobs for cashiers.

I know a lot of places like Walmart and Target have already incorporated self-checkout in their grocery stores, or even kiosks for customers to place their orders in fast food places like McDonald’s and Panera, but I feel this software Amazon created could completely get rid of cashiers.

Technology has been taking the place of real people in workplaces for a long time now. For example, factories used to be filled with hundreds or maybe even thousands of workers, but when machines were made several people lost their jobs.

There is a company called Carvana. It is a car vending machine where people can buy cars and pick it up from a car vending machine or have it delivered to them. People can online shop for cars just like they shop online for clothes and other products now. Car salesmen are not needed as much in this company because most of the transactions the customers go through are online.

These are just a few examples of technology reducing the need for real people to work jobs. I think Amazon creating this cashierless system will cause a big change in the retailing world. Although they are only targeting convenience stores and airport and sports arenas shops for now, I think they are planning on spreading this to more stores. I believe the stores they are targeting now are just a test for them to see how this system would work in smaller stores. However, they might plan on making improvements on the system and expanding to bigger stores. If this happens, I feel that one day cashiers will not be needed in retail anymore and many will lose their jobs.