On February 13, Saint Xavier University’s Visual Arts Center hosted the “4D: It’s About Time” reception. The event was an opportunity to meet the artists behind the exhibition.

The exhibition is being held at the VAC Student and Alumni Gallery. 

“4D: It’s About Time” features work from two Fall 2019 courses: Three-Dimensional Design and Music & Art Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar. 

Three-Dimensional Design was instructed by the Art & Design Department Chair, Nathan Peck and architect, Pei San Ng. The Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar was led by Professor Peck and Professor Dominic Johnson.

The artwork displayed consists of video and instrument sculptures, which students had to design, laser cut, and construct based on a concept of their choice.

For many of the artists, it was their first time using these mediums for the project. 

“My favorite part was making the video of the sculpture and being able to use the laser printer,” remarked Osbaldo Jimenez. “I had fun bringing my videos in VR and overlapping them [as well as] compiling all I had into Adobe Premiere. I’ve always wanted to know how to use the laser printer and it was exciting to finally get to play around with the medium.”

During the learning process, the projects went through several stages where students revisited their work and determined what they deemed best for their sculptures. 

One of the artists, Diamond Garcia, explained the process in the creation of her bubble sculpture. Garcia states, “I had to draw multiple designs, go through trial and error for some of the woodcuts, and become more comfortable with the tools on the VR. Although I was struggling with the woodwork, I enjoyed watching the number of changes and development that happened within the piece […] Once I saw the result, I felt accomplished and relieved that everything worked out.”

The sculptures vary from wall pieces to table displays. The way they were installed and presented depended on the overall composition of the sculpture. 

Some artists found that their projects deviated from their original thesis. Joine Leake admits, “My sculpture had a lot of last minute changes. It went from being in the shape of a spaceship to just two intersecting space rings.”

According to Peck, the exhibition has a future beyond that of  “4D: It’s About Time.” “Many of the artworks in this show will travel to the Beverly Art Center in March,” he declared. “Several Administrators have also expressed interest in having one of these artworks on their walls for a while. As the current Art and Design Department Chair, I have made it my mission to see student artworks all over campus and our community. This group of artists and their artworks have made it easy to find an audience.”

The VAC has shared documentation of “4D: It’s About Time,” which can be found on their Instagram (sxu_visual_arts). This show has been active since January 13 and will remain open until February 28.