New Guest Policy for Campus Residence

It is safe to say that coming back to school and finding out the guest policy has changed from  on campus residents not being allowed to have a person of the opposite sex stay the night to them being able to have a person of the opposite sex stay the night, had every one living on campus overjoyed. 

Last year, we had to sign in guests at the front desk whether they were on campus guests or not. We could also only have the same sex persons stay with us in our dorm rooms. 

It was a very tedious process to just have a guest over even for a quick visit. To begin, the student would have swipe into the building, go to the front desk, have the guest give the person working their ID get a guest badge, swipe into the next door, and on the way out exchange the badge in for their ID.

Personally, when I first found out about the guest policy last year, I was disappointed that my guy friends could not come to visit me from back home since I live two and a half hours away. Many others were disappointed because their boyfriends or girlfriends could not stay over.

When I first started dating and was in a long distance relationship, it became pricey having to get a hotel just to spend time together when he would visit. It made lots of students feel like we were treated like children not being able to have opposite sex stay the night.

This year, the students have the freedom to make their own choices and I think that is wonderful because it gives them the opportunity  to make adult life choices. All the checking in and overnight guest policies changed for Upperclassmen but it did not for the freshmen. 

For the upperclassmen, the rules and regulations for visitors and overnight guests has changed immensely. There are no longer Public Safety officers at the front desks pestering students to sign every person in and out. 

Girls can have guys stay over and guys can have girls stay over, even if it is only  It makes living on campus even more enjoyable than it was before.

While these new policies are great for the majority of upperclassmen, the select few who live in  Rubloff have to abide by the same rules as last year since they are living in the same building as . freshmen. 

I think the new policies that were put into place this year are amazing and give us the freedom to live like the adults we are, even though some students do not get the same freedom as the rest. It is not fair for the older residents who live with the freshman, but due to the housing shortage, that is the way things have to be. 

It is liberating for students to see Saint Xavier University changing along with modern society and giving them independence more room to grow as they go through their early life stages here.