Is It Better to Dorm or Commute? Are You Getting the Full Experience?

Residential dorms — Smiley N.

The many reasons many people dorm are based on the environment they have at home, where they live, their involvement, or even independence from their parents. I, for instance, live twenty minutes away and still want to dorm based on the involvement I can have while I dorm.

I have had both experiences of dorming and commuting. Many of my experiences here on campus were better, because I have friends in dorms. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been involved as much on campus. It is because I had a place to put my stuff down and go and enjoy the events downstairs.

Dorming is a positive because many of the events on campus and star around 8pm. Which is hard for commuters who have five hour breaks in between classes to wait for the event. Instead of walking to your dorm and waiting for the event. It’s also the closeness of the resources that are given on campus.

If you forget your book all you have to do is walk back to your dorm and grab it. Everything is close to you and you are able to walk to any resource. If you commuted you would have to drive, walk, or get public transportation back to school and back home.

I would prefer to have appliances in my room, rather than having to go down to Regina to heat up a hot pocket. I have dormed before at a different college over the summer. So I have experience with public showers and restrooms. For instance for first year students many appliances are not allowed. Such as microwaves, toasters, otherwise the dorms for upperclassmen they are allowed to have them in their dorms.

For commuters you have the opportunity to be with family, friends, and have the help of parents. You can have laundry done at home, eat home cooked meals, save on purchases. Many don’t have to move out and back each year.

For me I am able to go out with my family and attend events. I don’t have to worry about cooking for myself since my mom makes me food when I get home. I would prefer to dorm but it is expensive and to add the cougar card. I don’t have to worry about washing my clothes, appliances, for first years public restrooms, public showers. I don’t have to worry about purchasing soap, detergent, stuff basically that my parents buy for the house.

It is simpler to just worry about getting my education rather than focusing on living alone. I would still like to dorm because transiting into an adult it is good to be independent and struggle a bit to help me transition into the real world, and living alone.

Based on what I have said the conclusion is if you are able to afford to live on campus do, take advantage of what this school has to offer. It is only four years this is the place where memories are going to be made. If you cannot afford to dorm it is okay just stay after classes don’t go straight home.

Stay and hang out with friends, go to events, eat the food they give, make memories. This is the time of your life, I encourage you to join a club, participate in activities, go on trips, and get involved. You will not regret it, it is a step to learning more about what you like and dislike.

Priscilla Vargas

Opinion Columnist