Saint Xavier University Starts Courage to Quit Program

Effective January 1, 2017 Saint Xavier University (SXU), both the Chicago and Orland Park Campuses, have become tobacco free campuses.

According to the school website, the campus decided to become tobacco free because “Tobacco-free” campuses advocate for the health of all, including the user. “Smoke-free” is primarily focused on the health of others due to secondhand smoke exposure.”

According to a press release from SXNews from 2016, this decision follows an initiative and survey by the students of SXU, dating back to 2014.

As some students are glad to see the change “I think that with this in place we will definitely see changes on the campus. You won’t see any more cigarette butts all over the place and I really hate the smoke” state’s Senior student Amanda Gollaz. However, not all students are convinced that it was done for the right reasons. One student claims, “The only reason why they are starting this whole thing is because of the money.”

SXU received a $20,000 grant to help promote the new tobacco free initiative. “They don’t really care about our health or the campus because honestly look around, they only care about the money,” continued the upset senior student.”

The University’s President Laurie Joyner released a statement about the grant “We’re honored to receive this pioneering grant and join the nationwide effort to help create the first tobacco-free generation while also increasing awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and secondhand smoke, stated Joyner, “Protecting the health and wellness of our faculty, staff, students and visitors as well as creating a healthier and cleaner campus environment is a very high priority for us.”

The university has tried to get students involved with the new program by having the students compete in a logo contest. According to an article released in SXNEWS, the winner received a $250 prize and her designs will be incorporated into SXU’s marketing materials for this campaign; as for the second place winner, they received a $50 prize.

This semester the university is offering The Courage to Quit program. The program is a six-session program held by trained facilitators from the SXU Health Center.

According to the school’s website, the six-session program is held weekly in order to create a supportive group environment. Each participant will receive a program manual.

There is no need to quit before the program starts; the ‘quit date’ is during week three.

For members of the community interested there are some rules to follow. Members can only skip one week, you must be at least 18 years old to participate and finally each member must pay 20 dollars if you decide to stay in the program after the first session.

Those who do decide to fulfill the program will receive their money back at the end of the sixth week.

As SXU tries to promote the program some students still aren’t convinced, “I think that they could do something better with the money, I don’t need an after school special program about smoking, I know it’s bad” continued the upset senior.

As students weigh the pros and cons SXU will continue on with the new initiative as the courage to quit program will begin on September 21.

For more information on the Courage to Quit Program visit SXU’s main website. If you would like to register for the six-sessions you can send an email to

Shadia Judeh

News Reporter