Advice for Incoming Sophomores

Screen shot 2014-04-26 at 8.27.16 PM1. If you hated college in general or your school choice this year, don’t assume you will next year, too.

I say this not because I hated SXU when I returned as a sophomore but because my first-year and sophomore years were two very different experiences.

It is likely that yours will be, too. So, if you had a really terrible year, you feel like you didn’t fit in, you didn’t make many friends or your thinking this school isn’t quite what you’re looking for, I say, give it a little more time.

At some point in your sophomore year you become much more comfortable.

You know what to expect and what not to expect and that changes everything.

I also think everyone is little more true to themselves the second time around.

We grow out of the “I have to impress everyone” first-year phase and start doing what we want to do as opposed to doing what we feel like we have to do fit in.

So hold on a little longer.

2. Don’t assume your group of friends will be the same next year.

I think about 3 or 4 of the friends I made my first year carried over into sophomore year. And I don’t mean we had some kind of dramatic falling out, we just changed our paths a little bit.

I think having a large group of friends is something that is so important to first- years that sometimes they fail to evaluate whether or not they have the right friends.

We never want to sit in the diner alone so we surround ourselves with twenty mediocre friends to keep up appearances.

As a sophomore, although my consistent friend group is smaller, my relationships are so much more meaningful.

compliment my life and personality exceptionally well and on top of that, I have expanded my horizons and met so many more amazing people in my second year.

So let that first-year timidness and social pressure wear off and branch out!

I guarantee you will find some really fascinating people.

3. Be excited!

This one is for all of the SXU residents. There is life beyond Regina Hall and it’s awesome!

I have my fair share of great memories from my year in Regina and it gets better…so much better. Just think, you’re going to go from using old community bathrooms and having a broom closet for a room to the luxurious quad halls.

Sure, it’s a little on the expensive side and quad life isn’t perfect either, but only sharing your bathroom with one other person is priceless.

Your Regina Hall sentence is almost up. That in itself is a reason to look forward to next year.

4. Get ready to grow up

I’ve mentioned this in previous articles, but sophomore year gets a little more serious.

You’re going to start taking classes in your major and finding out a lot about yourself and your abilities.

In addition, your decision-making skills will certainly be put to the test.

Get ready to start making bigger decisions and more difficult decisions than simply deciding whether to wear yoga pants or sweatpants to class today.

Get ready to think about your future…a lot.

5. Make the most of this summer

You’ve spent a whole year away from your family and hometown friends, make the most of this time with them!

Spend some extra time with your parents this summer. You know they’ve missed you and you’ll have all of your glorious freedom back in three short months.

Bridget Goedke

Viewpoints Editor