Is Chocolate Good for Your Health?

Whether it be Valentines Day, Halloween, a romantic day, your birthday, whatever, chocolate is beneficial to your health in many ways.

Moderately eating dark chocolate will both reduce your risk of a stroke and/or heart attack to up to 40 percent. Chocolate has a lot of antioxidants, which helps protect your body from diseases and early aging. Believe it or not chocolate actually helps you lose weight by slowing your digestion down causing you to feel full for a longer period of time.

This sweet treat even helps prevent memory loss! Chocolate does this by increasing the flow of blood around your brain and protecting brain cells from any damage.

Last but not least, chocolate will help your skin by protecting it against UV rays and sun damage. With all these reasons, you all have excuses to eat your chocolate. But remember eat it in moderation!

Jessica Cruz
Lifestyle Contributor

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